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our story

IAN SAUDE STUDIO is a niche product and interior design firm, integrating design-development, sourcing, production and fulfillment services. Our goal is to assist design professionals, businesses and individuals in creating work that elevates our awareness and enhances our appreciation — helping to fulfill our common human potential. 


Most of our lives are lived indoors. So inner space provides the frame for our day-to-day existence. Therefore, the spaces and objects we surround ourselves with should be more than just functional or serviceable. They should support us — fostering inspiration while communicating our values and speaking to our deeper aspirations: our hopes and dreams.


ian Saude

Creative director and co-founder of IAN SAUDE INC, has been working in design and fashion since 1996. Ian was born in Hollywood, CA and was raised on the California Central Coast. He attended U.C. Berkeley where he graduated with honors, studying English Literature and Classics. He has traveled extensively, spending over 14 years living and working in Asia. In addition to his own work, he has consulted extensively for other designers and companies, focusing primarily on product development.


Well wrought objects and spaces heighten our awareness while satisfying our senses, affirming our subconscious need for purpose and belonging. Towards this end, IAN SAUDE STUDIO offers creative solutions for design development and project coordination.

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